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类型:惊悚 恐怖 地区:美国 年份:1932 
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Doctor X (1932) is a First NationalWarner Bros. horror and mystery film. Based on the play originally titled The Terror (New York, February 9, 1931) by Howard W. Comstock and Allen C. Miller,[1] it was directed by Michael Curtiz and stars Lee Tracy, Fay Wray, and Lionel Atwill.  The film was produced before the Motion Picture Production Code was enforced. Themes such as murder, rape, cannibalism and prostitution are interwoven into the story. The film was one of the last films made, along with Warners' Mystery of the Wax Museum (1933), in the two-color Technicolor process. Black and white prints were shipped to small towns and to foreign markets, while color prints were reserved for major cities.  PS. The Return of Doctor X (1939) link
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    海伦·亨特,乔恩·坦尼,犹大·刘易斯,欧文·泰格,莉碧·巴勒尔,妮可·福斯特,埃里卡·亚历山大,阿利森·金,山姆·特拉梅尔,Brooks Roseberry,Adam Kern

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    理查德·德莱福斯,文·瑞姆斯,伊丽莎白·苏,克里斯托弗·洛伊德,伊莱·罗斯,杰瑞·奥康奈尔,史蒂夫·R·麦奎因,杰西卡·斯佐尔,凯莉·布鲁克,雷丽·斯蒂尔,亚当·斯科特,利卡多·查维拉,迪娜·迈耶,保罗·谢尔,布鲁克琳·普劳克斯,赛基·赖安,科迪·朗格,布莱恩·库巴奇,阿什琳·布鲁克,弗兰克·卡方,吉安娜.迈克尔斯,邦妮·摩根,格里高利·尼克特洛,杰森·斯皮萨克,Kym Stys,尼克尔·兰道尔,塔季扬娜·布鲁切尔,塞缪尔·蔡尔德,Rossie Cottrell,杰克·加伯,Victoria Paege,

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