首页»泰国剧 » 爱情烹饪师 » 第01集
类型:剧情 爱情 同性 泰国 地区:泰国 年份:2022 
这是拉姆和卢克楚普的故事。拉姆是建筑学三年级的学生。他长得很帅,很有钱,是大学里很受欢迎的人。但他是个挑食的人,你能轻易买到的食物并不能满足他的味蕾。卢克舒普是一个可爱的大三学生,有着胖乎乎的脸颊,研究食物和营养。他暗恋拉姆,却没有勇气表白。幸运的是,有一天命运将他们聚集在一起,以食物和泰国甜点为纽带。  This is the story of Ram and Lukchup.  Ram is a third-year architecture student. He's good-looking, filthy rich and the popular guy of the university. But he's a picky eater, the food that you can easily buy doesn't satisfy his taste buds.  Lukchup is a cute junior with chubby cheeks who studies Food and Nutrition. He has a crush on Ram but doesn't have the courage to confess. Luckily, one day fate brings them together, with food and Thai desserts as the bond.
  • 神秘之堡


  • 荷尔蒙

    帕查拉·奇拉锡瓦特,朱塔吾·帕塔拉刚普,西拉差·坚他文,安苏玛琳·瑟拉帕萨默莎,苏卡达·顾珑希,社他武 阿努西,塔纳波·里拉塔纳卡邹,素帕莎·他那差,苼楠塔茬·塔纳潘披散

  • 你是我的天

    Tham morrat Janngarn,Tae Chaypat Kongsub,Patarakorn.T,Kris Strickland,Poun Pimpornpam,Tanathorn Charoenratanaporn,Boom Thanut,Jump Jumpp

  • 你是我的小幸运

    Near Inthira Thammajaroen,B Mine Jiratchaya Komontut,Park Pattarapong Siritarapong,Rita Ramnarong

  • 敲敲男孩

    维塔文·维拉维达亚南特,托萨提德·达尔坤托德,Nokia Chinnawat Phattharathanachot,维查·萨凡,Jaonine Jiraphat Sodjam