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类型:剧情 同性 地区:其它 年份:2015 
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45 year old Don Valter is a traditional priest who still wears an old fashioned black tunic out of nostalgia. One day young Claudio and his exuberant troupe of actors appear, proposing to perform an avant-garde show based on the Gospel's miracle of the rebirth of Lazarus. The powerless priest is overwhelmed by this young upstart, who stirs within him emotions that will, whether he likes it or not, pull him into the modern era.
  • 牢狱风云


  • 致命保镖

    Ted Le Plat,Terry Norton,Robert Vaughn

  • 暗夜狼人

    盖尔·加西亚·贝纳尔,劳拉·唐奈里,哈里特·桑塞姆·哈里斯,科克·R·塔切尔,欧根妮·邦杜兰特,莱昂纳多·吴,Daniel J. Watts,Al Hamacher,凯瑞·琼斯,大卫·西尔弗曼,Rick D. Wasserman,理查德·迪克森,杰弗里·福特,Erik Beck,Cameron Hales

  • 秘方

    Lucia Bosé,Maurizio Degli Esposti,Tina Aumont,Renato Paracchi,Gianfranco Pozzi,Giovanni Ricci,Dario Vigano

  • 昨日之花


  • 夏日时光

    朱丽叶·比诺什,夏尔·贝尔林,杰瑞米·雷乃,爱迪丝·斯考博,多米尼克·雷蒙,瓦莱丽·博莱同,伊莎贝尔·萨多扬,凯勒·伊斯特伍德,阿丽斯·德·朗克桑,埃米尔·贝宁,Jean-Baptiste Malartre,Gilles Arbona,埃里克·埃尔莫斯尼诺,Marc Voinchet,萨拉·马丁斯