首页»记录片 » 巅峰拍档第十七季 » 第03集
类型:纪录片 纪录 地区:英国 年份:2011 
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Series 17 of the world’s biggest, silliest and most explosive car show sees Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May re-invent public transport with a car-based train, smash down buildings using surplus military equipment and celebrate the 50th birthday of the Jaguar E-type. The presenters also head to Monaco to race fast hatchbacks around the legendary Grand Prix street circuit, create a title sequence for an imaginary 1970s detective show, and find things to do in Lincoln whilst you wait for your electric car to recharge. The Stig is let loose in some seriously hardcore hardware including the Aston Martin Virage, the McLaren MP4-12C, the Lamborghini Avantador and the BMW 1-series M. And as if that wasn’t enough, Alice Cooper, Sebastian Vettel and Simon Cowell are amongst the sensational stars in the Reasonably Priced Car.
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