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类型:剧情 地区:其它 年份:1976 
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From Joseph Conrad's great novel comes the story of a young seaman trying to helm a damaged boat to Singapore and dealing with many unfortunate events. While on command of the situation, he also devotes himself to help his failing crew and some of the boat's many passengers, some of them who are in poor health conditions.
  • 爵士情未了

    约书亚·布恩,索莱亚·菲佛,阿米拉·万恩,E·罗杰·米切尔,米拉娜·杰克逊,瑞安·艾戈尔德,布拉德·本尼迪克特,劳伦·布格利里,贝利·M·B,布兰特·安东尼洛,拉娜·扬,Austin Scott,莫内·门罗,科迪·普莱斯利,凯莉·戴维斯,Michael Wayne Thomas,罗伯特·史蒂文斯·韦恩,Rickey Colbert

  • 粉妆

    莫莉·温德索尔,约瑟夫·奎恩,斯蒂芬妮·马蒂尼,西奥·巴克利姆-比格斯,丽莎·帕弗瑞,Elodie Wilton,Maureen Wild,Derek Frood,Ruben Wheeler,Emilia Copeland,John Macneill,Yazmin Joy Vigus

  • 星星的故乡


  • 再见,孩子们

    加斯帕·曼尼斯,拉斐尔·费伊特,弗朗辛·拉塞特,斯坦尼斯拉斯·卡雷·德·马尔博格,菲利普·莫里尔-热努,弗朗索瓦·贝莱昂,弗朗索瓦·尼格雷特,彼得·菲茨,伊莲娜·雅各布,阿诺·翁利叶,勒内·布洛克,Pascal Rivet,Benoît Henriet,Richard Leboeuf,Xavier Legrand,Jean-Sébastien Chauvin,Luc Etienne

  • 明日不再

    Christopher Russell,Chad Connell,Chuck Shamata

  • 东瀛双辣
