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类型:剧情 运动 地区:美国 年份:2016 
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Anmar dreams of becoming a great soccer player, and he finally has his chance to join a team while studying architecture in the U.S. But, to reach his potential, Anmar must first convince his father who threatens to send him back home, get on with his teammates who see Anmar more as a terrorist than a striker, and work with his classmate, Ana, who is just a bit too hot.
  • 大毁灭


  • 大雨成灾


  • 候燕

    Mohamed Djouhri,Hania Amar,Hassan Kachach,Mehdi Ramdani,Nadia Kaci,Sonia Mekkiou,Chawki Amari,Lamri Kaouane,奥雷·阿蒂卡,Abdelaziz Zeghbib,Zineddine Hamdouche,Saadia Gacem,Hamid Ben Si Amor,Samir El Hakim,Mohamed Lamine

  • 千金绑架案


  • 嫁娶两相疑

    蒂娜·艾莲娜,保罗·莫库利奥,安东妮特·伊苏,Daniel Berini,Sunday Barca Irving,Santo Tripodi,Sebastian Andrade,Bianca Camuglia,Daniella Camuglia,John Camuglia,尼克·卡拉法,Luke Christopoulos,Annie Conidi,James Conrado,Nicole Coombs

  • 触碰的双手

    阿曼德拉·斯坦伯格 ,艾比·考尼什,乔治·麦凯,克里斯托弗·埃克莱斯顿,汤姆·古德曼-希尔,亚力克·纽曼,威尔·阿滕伯勒,丹尼尔·韦曼,汤姆·斯威特